Fruits Do Not Get AIDS Video

Pablo Lauria Ubatuba De Faria Fernandez Video
Pablo Lauria Ubatuba De Faria Fernandez Video

Fruits Do Not Get AIDS Video


The Androceu group was approached by Gapa, to develop a video of up to 30 seconds alerting the population, especially the youth, about Hiv. To bring awareness about the disease, the Fruits don't get aids design team choose to make a humorous and entertaining video to catch the public's attention, and to warn about the importance of using protection. The design team's inspiration was the widespread use by adolescents and young adults of certain fruit emojis to refer to body parts. So the group choose these fruits as the main theme of the video.

Pablo Lauria Ubatuba De Faria Fernandez
Pablo Lauria Ubatuba De Faria Fernandez Movie

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