CarQon Solar Electric Bicycle Driven by Sun Power

Asbjoerk Stanly Mogensen Electric Bicycle Driven by Sun Power
Asbjoerk Stanly Mogensen Electric Bicycle Driven by Sun Power

CarQon Solar Electric Bicycle Driven by Sun Power


This is the first of its kind solar powered electric bicycle. This is the electric bicycle you will never have to re-charge. The sun does it all. There is solar panels strategic placed on the front box to recharge the electric bicycles batteries. This is a complete new product category never seen in the world before. Because of the sun the box is always preheated and the preheating can be controlled by an app that is made for this electric bicycle. A state of the art solar panel.

Asbjoerk Stanly Mogensen
Electric Bicycle Driven by Sun Power
Asbjoerk Stanly Mogensen Vehicle

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