EasyMed Mobile Application

Lingshuang Kong,Yumei Feng,Shichao Wang Mobile Application
Lingshuang Kong,Yumei Feng,Shichao Wang Mobile Application

EasyMed Mobile Application


EasyMed, an AI-powered mobile application, aims to assist users in quickly and accurately identifying interactions between drugs and between drugs and food. It achieves this with a notable accuracy rate of 93% and a comprehensive database containing 200,000 drug-drug pairs and 330,000 drug-food pairs. Additionally, EasyMed offers functionalities such as drug list management and access to informative articles on polypharmacy, catering to a diverse range of user needs.

Lingshuang Kong,Yumei Feng,Shichao Wang
Mobile Application
Lingshuang Kong,Yumei Feng,Shichao Wang Mobile

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